The error in Fantastico has been fixed today and the users are welcome to enjoy its features now. If there are any problems with Cpanel, Fantastico, scripts or services, do not hesitate to contact the staff at
Flaunt is happy to announce that it will be offering accounts with pre-installed PHP Motion ca. December 10th, 2008. If you would like to obtain such an account, feel free to apply in December 2008. Thank you.
Welcome to, a free high quality webhosting provider. The network has undergone numerous changes and modified drastically its services and policies. It currently offers free domains (com/net/org/us) and unmetered parametres, i.e. webspace and bandwidth. Have a look at the offer section in order to learn more about its services.
In case of questions, e-mail the staff at They should reply within 48 hours. Thank you.